Terrorism Law
Jeffery Atik writes on innovation and law with a current focus on computational law, AI and financial regulation, and AI and international trade / national security. He is co-Principal Investigator of the Quantum Law research project at Lund University, funded by the Wallenberg Foundations. Atik has served on three NAFTA binational panels, including the review in Softwood Lumber from Canada.
Publications, Research and Related Material
Courses Taught
- Smart Contracts and Financial Technology
- Artificial Intelligence and Law
- Innovation Law
- Business Associations
- AB, with distinction, University of California Berkeley
- JD, Yale Law School
- PhD, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
- Jur. Dr. (honoris causa), Lund University
Selected Scholarship
- Quantum Computing and Computational Law, 13 Law, Innovation and Technology (2021) (with Valentin Jeutner)
- The FRAND Ceremony and the Engagement of Article 102 TFEU in the Licensing of Standard Essential Patents, 42 Fordham Int’l L.J. 189 (2019)
- Hard Forks on the Bitcoin Blockchain: Reversible Exit, Continuing Voice, 1 Stan. J. Blockchain L. & Poc’y 24 (2018) (with George Gerro)
- Technology Transfer, in Encyclopedia on International Economic Law (Edward Elgar 2018)
- The Social Experience of the Euro, 32 Conn. J. Int’l L. 267 (2017)
- From ‘no bailout’ to the European Stability Mechanism, 39 Fordham Int’l L.J. 1201 (2016)
- Goebel, Fox, Bermann, Atik, Emmert & Gerard, European Union Law 4th ed. (2015)
- EU Implementation of Basel III in the Shadow of the Euro Crisis, 38 Rev. Banking & Financial L. 287 (2014)
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