Media Expertise: Education, Race & Social Justice
Areas of Interest: Feminist Media Studies, Qualitative Research Methods, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Social Movements, Rhetorical Criticism, Critical Media Studies, Rhetoric of Popular Culture, Feminism.
Biography: Dr. Hammers is a former lawyer whose graduate studies focused on rhetorical criticism, critical media studies, and social movement and public sphere studies. In addition to her training in rhetoric, Dr. Hammers is trained in qualitative research methods and utilizes field research and interviews in her ongoing study of the ways in which the female body is perceived and understood in various public and professional arenas. Dr. Hammers teaches introductory and advanced research methods; she also teaches a course on the rhetoric of popular culture and one on persuasion and social influence.
She has presented her scholarship at professional conventions and is active in the National Communication Association’s pre-conference seminar series as both a participant in and co-organizer of the public sphere studies seminar. Her article critiquing the ways in which Ally McBeal constructed images of female professionalism appeared in a 2005 issue of The Western Journal of Communication. She is also the author of a chapter in an edited volume on Ally McBeal. In addition, her rhetorical analysis of The Vagina Monologues and her qualitative study of online roleplaying games, have both appeared in scholarly journals.
Currently, Dr. Hammers is working with Dr. Stephanie August (Computer Science), on a National Science Foundation Grant that will fund the creation of a Virtual Engineering Sciences Learning Lab (“VESLL”) in the Second Life immersive, virtual, environment. Through this project, Dr. Hammers will explore the potential of virtual worlds for student learning and for individual identity development..
Full faculty profile | Contact Michele Hammers