Media Expertise: Psychology & Mental Health, Race & Social Justice
Areas of Interest: Community Psychology, African-Centered Psychology, Reentry and Recidivism in Criminal Justice.
Biography: Dr. Cheryl Tawede Grills joined LMU’s Psychology Department in 1987. She completed her undergraduate training at Yale University with a double major in psychology and African American studies and received her Masters and Ph.D. from UCLA. In 2009 she became certified in Choice Theory and Reality Therapy. Dr. Cheryl Grills is a clinical psychologistContact Chr by training with a current emphasis in Community Psychology. She is Professor of Psychology at Loyola Marymount University and Associate Dean in the College of Liberal Arts. Dr. Grills also serves as a Los Angeles County Commissioner appointed by the LA County Board of Supervisors (2010) to a four year term on the Sybil Brand Commission for Institutional Inspections which focuses on conditions and practices within county jails, probation and correctional facilities..
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