Message from the President
Dear LMU Community:
It is with great sadness that I tell you of the passing of Richard “Dick” Dunn, an alumnus who filled leadership roles at the university and was a generous benefactor. Dick passed away Friday, April 15, at the age of 84.
It is hard to overstate how deeply Dick was involved with LMU. He earned a degree in business administration in 1950, after serving in World War II. He was a regent of the university from 1981 to 1989 and served as a trustee from 1989 to 1998. Dick also served on the Loyola Law School Board of Overseers from 2001 to 2003. He made significant contributions to LMU, focusing his gifts on Athletics, the College of Business Administration and the library fund. In 1981, Dick was the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award for Loyalty.
Dick’s family connections to LMU include: brother, Joseph, who was a regent from 1990-2001; sister, Dorothy, who taught in the Philosophy Department; son, Matthew ’78, and daughter Maryanne Dunn Herrill ’86; nephew Stephen ’91; and son-in-law Matthew Herrill ’85.
After Dick graduated from Loyola University, he followed his father, Charles, into the real estate business, where Dick eventually became president of Charles Dunn Company, one of the largest real estate firms in the Western United States.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to either Immaculate Heart High School, 5515 Franklin Ave., LA, CA 90028 or Loyola High School, 1901 Venice Blvd., LA, CA 90006, or to the charity of your choice. A funeral Mass will be celebrated by his cousin Father Donald Dunn at 11 a.m. on Monday, April 25, at St. Andrew Church, 311 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103.
Please keep Dick, his wife, Patty, and the entire Dunn family in your thoughts and prayers.
David W. Burcham