Message from the President
Dear LMU Community:
I am saddened to share that David Cornett, a longtime chef in The Lair, passed away Nov. 8, 2023. He was 72 years old.
Mr. Cornett worked for Sodexo for 17 years at LMU and was well-known to the students for his personable service. He loved to sing and often said that he would have been a singer, had he not become a chef.
Memorial services are pending and will be announced when the information is available. Flowers or notes of condolence can be sent to: The Cornett Family, 4717 Don Lorenzo Drive, Apt. No. 10, Los Angeles, CA 90008.
Please keep David, his six daughters and 10 grandchildren, his Sodexo colleagues, and his friends in your thoughts and prayers.
Timothy Law Snyder, Ph.D.