SOE Professor Brian Leung led working groups with 24 universities in California to develop training materials and strategies for Covid-19
In summer 2020, Brian Leung, Ph.D., former director of LMU School of Education’s school psychology program, spearheaded a group of 24 university school psychology faculty across California to support the training of school psychology students during Covid-19. This unique collaboration aimed to yield new training materials and strategies for school psychology candidates and field supervisors throughout the state.
“The effort began with my desire to have better fieldwork material for our own school psychology candidates,” said Leung. So he put out word among colleagues, and was met with much more interest than he expected. “Apparently, everyone was looking for help in planning fieldwork for these unusual times.”
Approaches to support educator clinical experience needed to be revised in light of the widespread distance learning and remote teaching that Covid-19 has entailed. Leung worked with school psychology faculty from both public and private universities and colleges in small groups to develop fieldwork material for year 2 (practicum) and year 3 (internship).
The output includes practical strategies, forms, calendars, and alternative activities based on the 10 Domains of the National Practice Model for School Psychologists. They align with the domains of practice from the national accrediting agency for school psychologists (NASP). All of the resources are shared on an online document and can be tailored to each school’s needs and programs.
The working group plans to share the materials and strategies with colleagues in other states. “No doubt everyone is struggling to know how best to support school psychology fieldwork right now,” said Leung. “With Covid-19 restrictions, virtual meetings became common and made this collaboration possible. This is definitely a silver lining that will benefit our own students and ultimately the profession.”