Each year, the trustees of the Asian and Pacific Studies Laffin Foundation Scholarship come together with current and past Laffin scholars to celebrate over lunch. This annual event offers the trustees the opportunity to hear first-hand the impact the scholarship is making on students’ lives and gives LMU students and faculty the chance to acknowledge the trustees’ ongoing generosity. This luncheon also provides students the opportunity to meet and network with fellow recipients and past Laffin scholars and learn more about their personal and professional accomplishments in the Asian and Pacific Studies field.
The Laffin Foundation Scholarship provides scholarship support for highly qualified students pursuing a major or minor in Asian and Pacific Studies. It was established in 1991 and is awarded to outstanding students who major or minor in the Asian & Pacific Studies Program at LMU. Valentina Laffin, a generous benefactor with great foresight, set up a testamentary trust to honor her parents, John and Maria Laffin.
Front row: Lan Ngo, S.J. ; Professor of Asian and Asian American Studies Edward Park, Mr. David Roth, Mrs. Deborah Berube, Mr. David J. Giovannitti, Assistant Professor of Asian and Asian American Studies Yanjie Wang; Back row: Laffin Scholars, Marissa Yonamine, Noelle Funtanilla, Luke Blong, Morgan Hunt, Kelcey Lorenzo, April Pratt, Shannon Hayes, Jake Harbison
More information:
The Laffin Foundation Scholarship
Asian and Asian American Studies Department