Campus Ministry invites the Loyola Marymount University community to join them in prayer for the those impacted by the fire devastation across the Los Angeles region. Carved into the state of California, these 8-foot-tall prayer walls stand as a testament to the resilience of LMU and Los Angeles communities.
Each shard of stained glass is a prayer offered. The prayer wall illuminates a collective spirit as a reminder that even in brokenness, the community together creates a beautiful image of hope.
There are two prayer walls on campus: One is located in the vestibule of Sacred Heart Chapel; the other is located in the Marymount Institute on the third floor of University Hall. They will be on display until the end of this week.
The directions are simple: Choose a piece of stained glass and using a paint pen write a prayer intention, hopeful thoughts, and/or words of gratitude. Once finished, add a small amount of super glue to the back of the glass and gently press the piece onto the board to adhere it. Be careful when handling the glass, as some edges may be sharp.
The chapel prayer wall, which will be featured at the Campus Ministry table at Wellness Wednesday on Jan. 22, was designed by campus ministers Victoria Zobrist and Ramsey Jeanty.