Aidin Namin, associate professor of marketing analytics in the College of Business Administration, is the winner of the 2023 American Marketing Association (AMA) Teaching Award. This award is considered the most prestigious teaching award in the marketing field and recognizes innovative excellence in marketing education for novelty, quality and demonstrated impact of pedagogical innovation that advances the discipline of marketing education. Professor Namin is the “earliest-in-career” as well as the youngest recipient of this award in its history.
“Rapid changes in business and technology call for agility and innovation in higher education teaching methods to ensure adaptability in student learning,” he said. “As a millennial myself and in response to these changes, I developed and implemented an innovative teaching method, and measured its effectiveness.”
Professor Namin successfully applied this technology-based teaching method in several sections of his undergraduate and MBA business core courses. Using analytics techniques, he provided empirical evidence supporting that this innovative teaching approach improves student learning both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
“I am very grateful to my students who were not only open but supportive of a teaching method that was new to them and new to me,” he said. “They rewarded me with very positive qualitative and quantitative teaching evaluations and encouraged me to offer my best in the classroom. I truly believe that this award belongs to all my wonderful students at LMU as they were instrumental in this journey.”
An internationally recognized scholar, Professor Namin has won several research awards and received numerous grants for innovation in teaching. The AMA award is the third teaching award of his career.