For the second year in a row, the LMU Accounting Society held a virtual celebration to recognize student awards and scholarships for the 2020-21 academic year. Congrats to all of our honorees and scholars!
Accounting Excellence Awards (students with top GPA)
Madison Bradford
Jessica Fouch
Sarah Leal
Emma Piziali
Isabella Ramin
Justin Sandhu
Olivia Sica
Alyssa Tom
Kylie Yeung
Paul A. Grosch Award
Madison Bradford
Olivia Sica
Leadership & Service Award
Isabella Ramin
Jack Vanderwey
Scholarships totaling approximately $242,000 were awarded to 38 undergraduate and graduate accounting students. Thank you to our generous donors for your support!
Alec Bakkeby (Accounting Alumni Annual Scholarship); Olivia Bissonnette (Stephen F. & Judy K. Page Merit Scholar at the CBA); Madison Bradford (Arthur Young Alumni Scholarship, J.C. & Kristi Frey Family Endowed Scholarship); Timothy Burke (Poladian Accounting Scholarship); Mitchell Cota (Accounting Faculty Emeriti Scholarship, Eric and Cynthia Castelblanco Scholarship in Accounting); Michael DeCampo (Accounting Advisory Board Scholarship, Accounting Department Annual Scholarship); Amanda Farley (Accounting Alumni Annual Scholarship); Jessica Fouch (J.C. & Kristi Frey Family Endowed Scholarship); Julianne Hoy (Accounting Department Annual Scholarship, Joseph and Christina Mauthe Endowed Scholarship); Colleen Kelley (Accounting Department Annual Scholarship); Natalie Kidd (Accounting Advisory Board Scholarship); Danielle La-O (Arthur Andersen & Co. Alumni Scholarship, Stephen F. & Judy K. Page Scholarship Fund at the CBA); Emilio Lazaro (Accounting Advisory Board Scholarship, McGee Family Endowed Scholarship); Sarah Leal (Accounting Department Annual Scholarship, Alan H. Falcon Endowed Scholarship in Accounting); Gabriela Lopez (Provencio/Arias Family Accounting Scholarship); Jennifer Lopez (Knott Family Endowed Scholarship in CBA); Steven Luevano (Accounting Alumni Annual Scholarship, Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship, Paul & Noot Stapleton Family Annual Accounting Scholarship); Amanda McGloin (Accounting Alumni Annual Scholarship); Santiago Mier y Teran (Accounting Department Annual Scholarship); Melinda Parkhani (Accounting Advisory Board Scholarship); Cameron Parra (John A. Garstka Accounting Scholarship); Emma Piziali (Ray & Vivian Frew Annual Scholarship); Isabella Ramin (Stephen F. & Judy K. Page Scholarship Fund at the CBA); Alexandria Reeves (Accounting Department Annual Scholarship); Ashley Roberts (Class of 1980 Scholarship); Alexander Rodriguez (Class of 1987 Scholarship); Bianca Salinas (Accounting Department Annual Scholarship); Lauren Sanchez (Elissa and John Di Carlo Scholarship); Miguel Sanchez (Stephen F. & Judy K. Page Merit Scholar at the CBA); Justin Sandhu (Dr. Alan Cherry Endowed Scholarship in Accounting); Jocelyn Schoenholz (Accounting Department Annual Scholarship); Olivia Sica (Dreier Family Accounting Scholarship); Ashley Thi (Accounting Alumni Annual Scholarship); Alyssa Tom (Adolph C. and Consuelo L. Molina Memorial Endowed Scholarship); Christos Vagenas (Accounting Advisory Board Scholarship); John Vanderwey (Accounting Department Annual Scholarship); Kira Watanabe (Accounting Alumni Annual Scholarship, Accounting Department Annual Scholarship); Kylie Yeung (Stephen F. & Judy K. Page Scholarship Fund at the CBA)
For more information or questions about starting a named scholarship fund, please contact Roberta Kuhlman, CBA senior director of development, at Roberta.Kuhlman@lmu.edu.