Difficult conversations can open the way to unforeseen solutions. The CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice annually hosts a multi-day symposium that seeks those solutions. This year, the CSJ Symposium is centered on the theme “Faces of Justice: Deepening Encounters, Confronting the Struggles,” and through a series of virtual, hybrid, and in-person events will open up the paths to reconciliations during discussions of migration, shifts in Catholic Church power, sexual harm, radical business models, identity, homelessness, and other topics.
The symposium, from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2023, will be on the Loyola Marymount and Playa Vista campuses. It will feature panels and notable presenters. Registration for each event can be found here.
The opening remarks will be virtually presented by Judith Royer, C.S.J., director of the CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice, and Dean Bryant K. Alexander of the LMU College of Communication and Fine Arts. The opening day will also feature special presentations by the Laband Art Gallery, the Academy of Catholic Thought and Imagination, and the Department of Dance.
The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Orange have been part of the LMU Community since the affiliation and merger of Loyola University and Marymount College and, since that time, around one third of the sisters have participated in the LMU community as administrators, staff, faculty and/or students/alumnae. The sisters have worked in various offices, academic departments, Campus Ministry, the Board of Trustees, and the Center for Ignatian Spirituality. With the opening of the CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice in 2012, the CSJ sisters have expanded their presence among the LMU community in an additional capacity, helping where there are needs and opportunities in the areas of reconciliation and justice.
The annual symposium sets the stage for all interested in listening, discovering, and responding as we continue our journey toward transformation within ourselves and as part of our commitment to our community. In a time filled with much divide, the desire that “all may be one” becomes an ever more essential message and mission of the CSJ Center.
Past symposia have highlighted:
2013 – The Journey to Wholeness: The Effect of Trauma on Body, Mind and Spirit
2014 – Arts That Do Justice: Artists and Communities, Partnerships for Transformation
2015 – People, Planet, Profit: Business Today, Tomorrow – What Next?
2016 – Changing Lives, Changing L.A.: Hotel Workers Rising
2017 – Hidden in the Crowd: Human Trafficking Locally and Globally
2018 – The World on the Move: Migration and Immigration in Uncertain Times
2019 – Living on the Edge: Causes, Consequences and Actions
2020 – 21st Century Technology: Creative Possibilities and Ethical Conundrums
2021 – Face of Justice: Listening, Discovering, Transforming
2022 – Face of Justice: Transforming Thought, Transforming Action