MISSION AND MINISTRY | Mentoring our students, preparing lectures, grading, checking logistics for every event – we are busy people making every aspect of the university the best that it can be. But part of our mission is the education of the whole person and that includes caring for ourselves.
As Ignatian educators, we value the opportunity to reflect and see how blessed we are in every moment. In particular, each day of Lent is a step in our journey towards the great celebration of Easter.
Resident Ministry in Student Housing invites all faculty and staff members to take a moment for reflection, prayer, and fellowship on Friday, March 23, from 4 – 6 p.m. John Sebastian, vice president for mission and ministry, will present “A Reflection for Lent: A Journey in Word and Song” in the Von der Ahe Family Suite on the third floor of Hannon Library. Join your colleagues for a simple dinner of soup and sandwiches as we’re given the opportunity to prepare our spirits for these holy days.
For information and/or to RSVP, please contact Dino Entac in Student Housing at dino.entac@lmu.edu.