The university’s annual active shooter drill returns to the bluff and downtown at Loyola Law School on Thursday, Feb. 17. Students, staff, and faculty will receive at 9:50 a.m. and again at 4:30 p.m. – 10:20 a.m. and 6:20 p.m. at LLS – an LMU Alert encouraging them to be aware of the appropriate response to an active threat.
All Lions will receive an LMU Alert prompt via text, email, Rave notification, and campus landline public address. At that time, you should stop what you are doing and review the appropriate response for an active threat in your space. Check out the 2022 drill guide and preparation checklist for ideas and discussion questions.
While the chances of an active shooter are extremely low, it is important to assess your surroundings and know how you would respond. Lions are encouraged to conduct this mental exercise for any area they frequent, including on campus (classrooms, offices, etc.) and off campus (restaurants, movie theaters, malls, and other public spaces).
What to Do in the Event of an Active Shooter:
- Always run, if possible. Leave your belongings behind and keep your hands visible.
- If you can’t run, hide. Lock the door, or tie the door knob with anything you can. Barricade doors and windows, close blinds and turn off the lights, and silence cellphones.
- Only as a last resort and if you are in imminent danger, fight back. Attempt to incapacitate the shooter by throwing items or using improvised weapons like office equipment. Work with those around you and commit to your actions.
- In all instances, call 9-1-1 as soon as it’s safe to do so. Call if you can, text if you can’t.
Check out LMU Emergency Management’s Active Shooter page for more tips and resources, including videos, checklists, and the 2022 drill guide to facilitate discussion in your area. You can also download and print posters for your space, both to advertise the Feb. 17 drill and serve as a permanent reminder of how to stay prepared.