The Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) has mandated a Westchester campus-wide power outage for Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023 that is expected to run from 5:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
This outage is required by LADWP as part of critical maintenance on the university’s power stations. LMU has a duty to comply, in order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the campus power supply.
Please refer to the following information for further details on accommodations during the outage. The university thanks you in advance for your understanding and cooperation during this important maintenance.
For all staff, faculty, students, and community members:
- The Loyola Blvd. entrance will be closed to vehicles during this time, as there will not be power to operate the OneCard readers. All vehicles must use the Lincoln Blvd. entrance during the outage.
- The campus will remain open during the outage; neighbors and community members may still access the campus during this time.
- WiFi will not be available in most locations across campus for the duration of the outage. WiFi will be available in University Hall for those who require it.
- All academic buildings will be locked during the outage (similar to a campus holiday).
- Campus Safety will be fully operational and with power for the duration of the outage. Officers will perform additional patrols of campus during this time.
- All building elevators will be non-operational. Please plan to use the stairs during this time.
- All electronics should be powered down prior to the outage, to minimize risk of disruption or lost data. This includes electronics in offices, academic spaces, and residence halls.
- No campus events will occur during the outage.
- Please use caution when driving and walking around campus, especially after dusk when lighting will be limited.
For campus residents:
- All building elevators will be out of service during the outage. Please plan to use the stairs during this time.
- WiFi will be available in University Hall for those who require it.
- All electronics should be powered down prior to the outage, to minimize risk of disruption or lost data.
- Designated areas in Malone Student Center will have limited power during the outage, to serve as a “relief” space for campus residents. Residents are welcome to utilize Malone to charge phones and devices wherever power is available.
- Flashlights are available for check-out at Campus Safety (located in Foley Annex) for any campus residents who require one.
For further information, please contact LMU Facilities Management at